TOEFL Preparation Class

Get ready for the TOEFL Test with our Preparation Course

The TOEFL test preparation course is for students who are determined to have advanced skills based on Excel’s placement exam.

The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is a standardized test measuring the English language ability of non-native speakers who aspire to enter a university in America. Most English-speaking academic institutions accept the TOEFL test. The TOEFL exam measures four English language skills: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. The entire exam takes about four hours, and you’ll receive a score from 0-30 for each individual section and a total score of 0-120 for the entire test.

TOEFL Reading Section

The reading portion of the TOEFL test is designed to gauge how well you read and understand materials common an academic setting. What is the reading test like? After reading 3-4 passages from university-level textbooks, you will answer 10 questions about each segment with a time limit for completion.

Listening Section of the TOEFL Exam

Understanding conversations and lectures is the main the objective of the listening portion of the TOEFL. You will be tested on basic comprehension but also on the speaker’s attitude and degree of certainty. This part of the test is broken up into two sections: 2-3 conversations and 3-4 lectures. You will answer questions on the content of each with a time limit for completion.

Writing Section of the TOEFL

The writing section of the TOEFL measures your level of ability when writing academic material. There are two tasks for the written portion of the exam. For the first, you’ll be asked to listen to a lecture or read a text. After listening or reading, you’ll answer a question. The second task is an opinion essay, where you compose your own response to a question.

How long is the TOEFL Prep Course?

The prep course is three months long and divided into three 4-week sessions, which may be taken independently. Each session consists of 72 hours of classroom instruction.

The three-month class is designed to give students the strategies and coaching needed to achieve an optimal score on the TOEFL test; preparing you section by section. After an initial evaluation and throughout the class, we determine which parts of the test need additional attention in order to maximize results.

TOEFL Prep Enrollment

Did you know that you don’t have to wait for an official session to begin TOEFL preparation with us? We accept enrollment any time. Call us or apply online to get started, and get ready to master the TOEFL test!

TOEFL Session Calendars


2025 English Session Calendar

Session Start Date End Date
1 January 6 January 30
2 February 3 February 27
3 March 3 April 3
4 April 7 May 1
5 May 5 May 29*
6 June 2 June 26
7 July 7 July 31
8 August 4 August 28
9 September 2* September 25
10 September 29 October 23
11 October 27 November 20
12 November 24 December 18
Vacation Days

Spring Break – March 17 – 21
Summer Break – June 30 – July 4
Winter Break – Dec. 22 – Jan. 2

Observed Holidays

*Memorial Day – May 26
Labor Day – Sept. 1
Thanksgiving Day – Nov. 27


2026 English Session Calendar

Session Start Date End Date
1 January 5 January 29
2 February 2 February 26
3 March 2 April 2
4 April 6 April 30
5 May 4 May 28
6 June 1 June 25
7 July 6 July 30
8 August 3 August 27
9 August 31 September 24
10 September 28 October 22
11 October 26 November 19
12 November 23 December 17
Vacation Days

Spring Break – March 16 – 20
Summer Break – June 29 – July 3
Winter Break – Dec. 21 – Jan. 1

Observed Holidays

*Memorial Day – May 25
Labor Day – Sept. 7
Thanksgiving Day – Nov. 26

Class Times
Class Days Morning Class Times Evening Class Times
Monday 9 am – 1:30 pm or 5 pm – 9:30 pm
Tuesday 9 am – 1:30 pm or 5 pm – 9:30 pm
Wednesday 9 am – 1:30 pm or 5 pm – 9:30 pm
Thursday 9 am – 1:30 pm or 5 pm – 9:30 pm

Fees & Tuition

Class Days Morning Class Times Evening Class Times # of Hours / Week Application Fee International Students  Application Fee Residents / Tourists Tuition for
F-1 Visa Holder / Tourists
Tuition for Residents Books
Monday – Thursday 9am-1:30pm or 5pm-9:30pm 18 $150 $50 $750 (elective courses included) $400 $90

Insights & Tips on Preparing for the TOEFL Test

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