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Top Ten Habits of Successful Students

There is a lot more to being a good student than simply enrolling in a program of study. In fact, that is the easiest part. Once you enroll, a whole new set of obligations come into play on your part.

By being accepted into an educational program, you are basically saying that you want to benefit from the knowledge and skills of the instructors by gaining an education and demonstrating your acquisition of that knowledge through formal and informal assessments. Not so easy though.

Learning and committing to memory, doing assignments, and making good grades require more than going to class and reading the textbook. In fact, being a successful student requires so much more and will take discipline and time to develop the habits necessary to study and be successful at anything you want to learn; be it English as a Second Language or Civil Engineering. There are many habits that contribute to being a good student but these are the top ten.

1. Discipline

First and foremost is to practice discipline. Every successful student has discipline, which means knowing how to pace your assignments and studies so you won’t have to cram all your work in a short, stressful time.

Get Organized

2. Get Organized

Set a daily, weekly, and monthly schedule so you know when assignments are due. By doing this, you can organize and prioritize your study time. You can use a paper calendar/organizer written by hand, a phone app, or an online calendar. Keeping all your activities in one place will help you see, at a glance, all your commitments. Remember the goal is to avoid cramming and stressing out.

3. Attend Class

Although this step seems obvious, believe it or not, thinking that you can learn on your own with the book is a misconception. Often, instructors create test questions from class lectures to ensure students attend class, so be aware and take good notes when in class.

4. Create Study Time

Set a regular time to study. The best way to ensure that you get your studies done is to have a set time to study and do assignments. This will make it easier to schedule extra-curricular activities without sacrificing study time.

Prepare a Peaceful Study Environment

5. Prepare a Good Study Environment

Studying in a clean, quiet space is essential for not only staying organized but also for avoiding distractions. The study area should have ample lighting, workspace, and be comfortable so that it is conducive to spending uninterrupted time studying.

6. Set Goals for Yourself

This is an important tip because knowing what you want to achieve is key to making sure you make it to your goal. Your goals can be broken down according to timelines (when you want to have assignments done) and grades (how you want to perform on your assignments and in your classes overall). Record your performance to make yourself accountable when not meeting your goals and to know why you didn’t achieve them.

Do the Tough Assignments First

7. Do the Tough Assignments First

Once you have accomplished the difficult tasks, the rest will seem easier and more manageable. Also, it will ensure other things such as friends, parties, kids, or work will not get in the way of the important more time-consuming assignments.

8. Review Every Day

Make sure you look at your class notes every day to make sure you have understood the concepts presented in class. If you missed a point during class, reviewing will allow you to get up to speed on difficult concepts by asking classmates, the teacher, or checking the textbook for answers.

9. Use Your School’s Resources

Most schools have various services for students such as on-campus tutoring, advising, study rooms, and library resources. It is a good idea to take advantage of some if not all of the services that are available to students to help you succeed in school.

10. Take Care of Yourself

You can’t do well if you do not have adequate sleep and nutrition. By being organized and staying on top of your studies, you don’t have to sacrifice your six to eight hours of sleep. Eating three low-fat, high-protein meals will ensure your mind stays sharp and you have the energy needed to accomplish your goals. In addition, having downtime doing something you enjoy will ensure you are well prepared to take on your studies and all of the challenges that await you.

In short, there is no secret formula to being a good student. However, incorporating the tips above will ensure your success not only in school but also after you finish your education and face the challenges of professional life. Being organized and well prepared are tools that will go a long way in all your endeavors.

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